Welcome to Al- Haqqaniyya Arabic College.

Thank you for logging into Al-Haqqaniyya Arabic College webpage. Full time Islamic education in the traditional way, was the predominant method of  Teaching Islam, in many countries. But to serve the nation, both in the religious and the Material aspects we felt it is very important to make way for the same students to have Access to all the sciences of education. Our fervent hope and prayer to Allah the Almighty is to see an Aalim professional in our life time. We hope you would benefit Maximum and keep in touch with us continuously. Your co-operation in any form would Be highly appreciated.

About R2 Forum [Readers & Writers Forum]

This site is designed to publish the creativeness of Al-Haqqaniyya Students. This contains Articles, Poems, Drawings and so on….

 The Best Creations Of the Week

Islamic Songs
You can listen to the latest songs which are sung by our students.)

Islamic Speeches
You can listen to the latest speeches which are sung by our students.)


 Developed By : Rimaz Rauf

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